A staircase is available for indoor pictures at times. People do use them regularly as parties enter so they cannot be blocked. There really is not an extensive area for outdoor pictures.
Cocktail hour is simple but tasty combining a buffet style setup with additional items passed around. The pasta and salad courses are very good and the warm fresh bread is a great touch. Courses are served with the utmost speed allowing more time for you guests to party. And cocktail hour usually takes place in the same room as the reception, eliminating the time lost moving the guests from one room to the other.
Vendors however all rank Pantagis as one of their least favorite places to work. And it all has to do with the elevator. Vendors are not permitted to use the elevator to take equipment to the second and third floors. They must load everything up the very large marble staircases while dodging guests on those same stair cases. Frankly, it is a dangerous situation for both guests and the vendors. Carrying heavy speakers and equipment up and down the stairs is such a problem that many DJ's will not work there. Even when all the guests have left for the evening, the elevator actually gets turned off to keep the vendors from using it. If you are thinking of Pantagis as your reception site, your vendors will be really happy if your reception is in one of the first floor rooms. If you do have a second floor room, make sure you let your potential DJ know the elevator situation. They will need to hire an assistant or allow extra time to get set up.
For more information, you can visit Pantagis Renaissance online at: